This weekend a few of the Houston Astros ‘talked’ about the cheating scandal. One was cryptic and neither confirmed nor denied anything. While another played the victim card. Listen in to here my thoughts on the subject and who I blame for not having a better plan for the players as they addressed the media.

By 9 Inning Know It All

Bringing you baseball from the Little Leagues to the Major Leagues. If it's baseball it's good enough for us.

2 thoughts on “9 Inning Baseball Talk – The Astros’ Players Speak Up”
  1. I’m sad (but not surprised) that some people are more upset that there was a whistleblower rather than the crime/content to which the whistle was being blown!

    1. Yeah I find it sad that the outrage isn’t 100% on the team that cheated to a World Series title. Plus knowing that the MLB has ignored the complaints about this happening until someone went public with it makes this as close to rigging a champion as can be done.

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