20140330-141203.jpgBy Josh:

It seems like this post has been a long time coming but here it is. We have reached 400 posts and we are all so excited that we have so many people following the 9 Inning Know It All Empire either by email, twitter or our Facebook page.

The team members for the 9 Inning Know It All crew aren’t former MLB players, we don’t cover teams for a living, we definitely don’t work for ESPN and that is what makes us unique. We are just baseball fans who love to talk baseball and want to share that with other fans.

If you followed us for any amount of time you know that we really don’t care if it is Little League baseball, high school, college, minor league or major league, we just want to talk baseball and enjoy the greatest game ever made.

With that I want to officially announce the start of a new contest from 9 Inning Know It All.  We have talked about doing more shirts for people to buy that have different sayings and slogans on them and we are moving forward with that. Here are the ones that we have currently come up with but we want to know if any of the 9 Inning Know It All fans have some additional ideas and if any of our current ideas would be something you would be interested in.

Please don’t steal sayings and slogans from other great baseball related groups like Baseballisms.  We want unique sayings that go along with who we are in the 9 Inning Know It All Empire.  If you do come up with a saying that we use for shirts we will make you a free shirt. (Oh and the colors below are just for example, not really matching what the shirt colors will be.)

Let us know and we will be holding some votes on our 9 Inning Know It All Facebook page over the next couple of weeks to see which shirts we will start making.

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