By: Norm Ordaz
On June 3rd, 2023, was my best baseball day ever. My name is Norm Ordaz. I am a baseball junkie. I have been involved in baseball since I was little. I love everything about baseball. The sounds, the smells, the dirt, and most importantly the relationships. Baseball for me has always been about the relationships that you make over the years. I have worked for the McMinnville Parks and Recreation Department for the last 27 years. I have done many things for the Parks and Rec. I have run after school programs, summer camps, as a park ranger, park clean up, youth and adult sports. I currently help supervise the youth baseball/softball program as well as running the adult coed church volleyball program and the coed softball program. I also manage the youth baseball/softball equipment.

About a week ago, my supervisor told me that I was throwing out the first pitch on Opening Day. Opening Day for me is usually one of my favorite days of the year. I got to Joe Dancer Park early Saturday morning. I usually get to the park around 6am to start dragging the fields in preparation for the day’s games. I have 4-7 fields that I need to drag on a regular basis. This particular morning, I had 4 fields to drag. We got the fields ready for the first round of games. People started to come in. The American Legion Post 21 riders cruised into the park. Now, it was time.
My supervisor and the Parks and Recreation Director started the ceremony. As they were going through the list of thank you’s, I began to think back on my 27 years in the department. The people I worked for, with, and served. The 1000’s of kids that have come through our programs. I was standing with our new group of umpires, a group of 14-year-olds. I am excited for this group. It’s a great group of kids that include my nephew. On the field with their teams were Aaron, a dad that coaches two teams for us. Aaron and his brother Dan were Parks and Rec kids at one point. Also, on the field was John Sully, his son and grandson. The Sullys are long time Parks and Rec users. We go back at least 20 years. It was a great day.
Right now, I’m working on my, “What Baseball Means to Me” piece. What I have figured out over the years is, baseball is a beautiful game. What means the most to me are the relationships that I have made through the years. Baseball is in big family. Sometimes a dysfunctional family but, a family that I am thankful for. Man, I love baseball.

How was the pitch, you ask? From my point of view, it was perfect. Down the middle and right into the mitt. Actually, it was just a bit outside or inside depending on which way you want to look at it. It definitely was a special moment for me. In 27 years, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve done a lot. I’ve been blessed to work with so many great people. I have seen a few kids that have played at the Minor League level. Joe Paterson played in our system and pitched at the Major League level. I also had Dante Rosario who played in the NFL come through as well. There definitely were a few tears as I took the mound. I love what I do and I’m hoping for another 27 years.