By Josh:
It has been nearly 10 years since I created 9 Inning Know It All. I’ve covered baseball at every level, seen some crazy things and met lots of amazing people. However, like many people in this country, the past year has impacted and changed things for me.
I went into 2020 betting that I could take what I was doing with 9 Inning Know It All and build it into something more. I wasn’t expecting it to be a ‘full-time’ job (even though I often spent that many hours doing stuff), but I did believe I could earn enough money to cover my expenses and maybe even pay for a few trips.
So I got things set up and ready to go into the spring at full speed. The first couple weeks of the college season were going great for me. Things were falling into place better than I ever dreamed and then everything stopped. There was hope that things might come back and that missing the spring would just be a bump in the road.
It wasn’t.
I knew that if I wanted to keep the plans I had moving forward still, I had to get content on the site. So with some encouragement I started the podcast and it was fun, a lot of fun, but it was another expense I hadn’t planned on.
As we got closer to the summer there were plans to partner with a couple organizations, businesses and programs to help get my dream/plans going again. However, as things kept being delayed and cancelled here in Washington those partnerships faded away. Hard to make money photographing baseball when players aren’t allowed to even step on the field in your hometown and parts of the state.
Honestly, I’ve only been able to hold out this long because of the supporters I have on Patreon, but I can’t keep asking for support when I’m not able to do the things I am asking for the support for. I can’t ask for supporters to help me photograph games when I can’t even go to games.
The passion I had at the start of 2020 has taken enough hits to see it almost completely disappear. Hopefully things will start returning to normal. Maybe I’ll even rediscover the passion I had. I don’t know what the future holds. All I do know is that I need to step away for a time. Maybe a month, maybe a year, maybe longer.
The site is still going to remain up and there will still be articles going up.
The site is still going to remain up and there will still be articles going up. It is just that at the current time I’m not going to be doing articles, podcasts and probably not photographs.
I do want to say thank you to those who support and follow 9 Inning Know It All. It has been amazing connecting with so many baseball fans.