Dear Baseball,

I’ll be honest, I didn’t know how much you meant to me. I grew up playing baseball, going to games with my dad, talking ball with anyone who would take the time. I’ve always known that my favorite sport was baseball, I just didn’t realize how much I loved the sport and would be lost without it.

This week I was supposed to be out photographing half a dozen games with another half dozen the next week. But I won’t be going to any games, won’t be taking photos, talking to coaches, laughing with players or shaking my head at umpires bad calls.

Instead I’ll be at home, thinking about all the times I complained about games going too long, having to drive 45 minutes to a game, or how it was cold and wet at a game. I’d drive for hours to watch a slow boring game in the rain if I could right now and I’d love every second of it.

No baseball you aren’t as important as my family and friends, but that doesn’t make you any less important to me. What I have learned from the game, the experiences I have had on the field and the people I have met because of baseball are priceless to me.

Baseball you have changed my life.

In this time of struggle and hardships you are a gentle reminder of better times that have been and are still to come. The moments I get to talk with other fans of the game on my podcast, bring me moments of relief from all that is going on. Watching old games on YouTube brings back a flood of memories from games I attended as a kid, watched on TV and covered with 9 Inning Know It All.

There are bigger things than baseball; health, employment, family and friends. However, the love I have for baseball helps me get through each day along with everything else in my life. 

I know not everyone knows the power of sports and many say that we don’t need sports. I understand why they say that but they are wrong. Baseball is something important to me and needed by me. I don’t know where I would be without baseball.

So please baseball don’t forget us and please hurry back.

A Desperate Fan

By 9 Inning Know It All

Bringing you baseball from the Little Leagues to the Major Leagues. If it's baseball it's good enough for us.

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