By Josh:
Minor League teams across the nation provide countless summer nights of entertainment and fun. Through these summer nights teams also use their platform to go beyond just the game of baseball and choose to make positive impacts in their local communities. This can be done through fundraising or by raising awareness for organizations and programs.
In this 4th article in this series, I once again am blown away by the impact that teams have. The Rocky Mountain Vibes, a part of the Pioneer League, maybe a baseball team, but their impact off the field is truly what makes them standout.

The Vibes organization is a part of over 300 community projects. One that instantly stood out to me as a father of two is the the Vibes Reading Program which has over 15,000 children participating in the program. Students are encouraged to read and can receive prizes from local businesses for reaching different levels.
The Vibes also have multiple events designed to support and encourage military personal, veterans and first responders. In 2019 the Vibes hosted six military appreciation nights, donating 5,948 total tickets to four of the local bases.
For the fifth consecutive year members of the Colorado Springs Fire Department, Police Department, Wounded Warriors and their families are invited to participate in batting practice with players and coaches. This may seem like a small thing, but I can tell you that one time I took batting practice just for fun and I remember it to this day.
One of the coolest things the Vibes do, working with Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center, is participate in “Peer Navigator” Mock interviews. Vibe’s staff meet with transitioning veterans and host mock interviews and networking practice.

This is but a small piece of all that the Vibes, like many Minor League teams across the country, do for their community. The Vibes also raise awareness for mental health, cancer research, kidney disease, and so many other areas.
Looking at all that the Vibes do, it seems clear to me that a priority of this organization is to not just give back to the community, but to express to each member of the community that they are important and valued.