By: Karla Olmos
What does baseball mean to me?
Experiences. Memories. Friends. Family. Tears. Travel. Connection. Home.

I was born in Mexico and came to the U.S. at the age of 8. As I’m sure you know, soccer is life there, so I didn’t really know about baseball until I moved here. We lived in many different cities throughout Southern California while growing up and even though we never lived in Orange County, my parents would take my sister and I to Angel games. I still have one of those magazine photos you can take at the fair where my sis and I were the cover for Angels magazine. I’m sure many of my friends would like to use it as ammo now!
My sister and I both played softball growing up and it wasn’t until then that we discovered Ken Griffey Jr. He was her favorite player and I started to follow him as well and fell in love with his swing. I am one of those who believe that he has THE best swing out there and don’t think anyone else comes close. He is my favorite player of all time and I am looking forward to visiting Safeco this August. I will be watching the Dodgers take on the Mariners with my Pantone 294 family and will have the chance to take a picture with “The Kid” statue! If you’re not familiar with Pantone 294, they’re the traveling “fan club” for the Dodgers! The name stands for the actual shade of blue our boys wear. They started with a couple dozen friends who traveled together and now have over a thousand people that take over stadiums. You’ve probably seen the large Pantone flag in the outfield during takeovers. I’ve had the pleasure of being under it a few times, including vs the Cubs and the first take over at the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, our Minor League Team. Can’t wait to be under it at Safeco Field and Busch Stadium later this year!

If you’re just getting to know me, you’re probably confused as to who my favorite team is. I bleed blue, I am a die-hard Dodgers fan and even have a tattoo to prove it but because of Griffey, have some love towards the Mariners. Don’t worry though, I’ll be cheering on my boys in blue come August! I’m not the only one who strayed from the Angels. My mom is now a Padres fan, my sister a Red Sox fan and my dad an A’s fan. I’d like to point out that I’m obviously the most knowledgeable one of us when it comes to baseball.

My best friend David and I have the same main item on our bucket list. We would like to visit all MLB stadiums! He moved from CA to FL almost 20 years ago and for the past few years, we have made it a point to meet up at a new stadium every year with his sister and her fiancée. We were lucky enough to make it to Vin’s last game at AT&T park and also to David Ortiz’ number retirement at Fenway. Those 2 experiences have to be some of my favorite memories at a ballpark. We were there for history! This year we’ll be meeting in St. Louis this September to watch the Dodgers beat the Cardinals! David is an Angels fan but most importantly, a baseball fan so we take turns watching my boys in blue and his boys in red. The next stadium I would like to visit with my friends is Yankees stadium and while there, would also like to go to Cooperstown.

Other moments that stand out to me are catching a game at PNC park, attending Opening Day at Dodgers stadium, having an hour conversation with Lee Lacy, winning Adrian Gonzalez jersey at an auction, witnessing in person, Kyle Farmer’s walk off double in his first major league at bat vs the Giants, going to a Dodgers game on Mother’s Day with my family, getting my ball signed by 7 players during Spring training in Arizona this year with my friend Kristie, attending Vin’s tribute at Dodgers stadium, meeting Justin Turner during a Pantone 294 event with my husband, watching my oldest partake in the first ever softball camp at Dodgers stadium, the Dodgers making it to the World Series last year and my favorite Dodger player Gonzo, getting traded to the Mets. I don’t think I’ve ever shed as many tears as I did when we lost game 7 to the Astros or when Gonzo released his statement that he was leaving Los Angeles.
When I’m not catching an MLB game in person or on TV, you can find me coaching or watching my oldest daughter play softball, playing 2nd base on my coed slow pitch team, Pitch Please on Sunday nights, being the only woman Admin to Flock MLB on Facebook; a group of over 4,500 baseball fans, buying baseball caps, and lastly collecting and trading bobbleheads and pins!
Can’t wait to see what this upcoming season will bring. I’m hoping it brings a ring during our 60th anniversary!
Keep up with my baseball adventures on Instagram @KarlaBlue23
Very interesting to read how an 8 year old girl from Mexico became one of the biggest fans on this fascinating sport. Kudos to your parents for being so encouraging, and to you for encouraging your kids. Go Dodgers!