By Josh (9 Inning Know It All):
So with all that has been going on lately I haven’t really done a very good job of updating on my autograph getting for the summer. I did mention what I got at the Dodgers vs. Mariners series in early June (Ethier, 4 of the 6 pitchers in the no-hitter, plus a few others). However, I think it is time to talk about my Northwest League autographs and my experience with those players and coaches.
Bill Buckner – Coach Buckner is not the most extraverted of people but he was really polite and willing to sign the cards I had, along with stopping and talking

with me about FCA (which he is a big part of) for a while. He talked about attending a FCA camp when he was like 14 years old. Buckner has gotten a bad rap for one bad defensive play that occurred at the end of his pretty good career. Did you know he has 2715 hits? Most people don’t.
Shawon Dunston Jr. – Was actually a pretty cool guy. Talked with me for a minute about making is professional debut and signed every card and photo I asked him to sign. He didn’t have the best start to the season but he has talent.

Hayden Simpson – When I was looking for this former first round pick by the Cubs, I expected a guy who was 6’2” and like 190 lbs, but to my surprise Simpson is smaller than I am. However, despite his size he was a great autograph for me. A lot of players will sign the cards put in front of them and kind of do a little small talk but Simpson actually stopped and talked about some of the things he was working on and focusing on early on in the season. He answered question after question and gave full answers.

Marcus Littlewood – Easily my favorite autograph of the Northwest League so far. Not only is Littlewood a part of the Mariners farm system (my favorite team despite the fact that they stink), but he is another player who is willing to do more than just sign the cards placed in front of him. Last season I watched Littlewood at Shortstop and saw a lot of talent but I like others wasn’t sure that was the best spot for him. At the end of the season he was moved to Catcher and so this season I asked him about the transition and he almost smiled when he started answering the questions. He said “It is going really good. It’s taking some time but it is something that will be best for me and my career. I like it so far.”
Clark Murphy – Didn’t talk to Murphy because I caught him right before warm-ups but he still stopped and signed all the cards I had. I also know he signed a lot of cards for other guys as well and was great about it.
Rock Shoulders – Okay I didn’t have any cards of Shoulders but after hearing his name, which is the coolest name in baseball in my opinion, I knew I had to get a picture of him and have him sign it. This guy not only has a cool name but he actually has a build that fits his name. He was almost surprised when I asked him to sign but he did so with a smile.
Other players I’ve gotten; Victor Sanchez, Grady Wood, Patrick Kevlehan, Joan Gregorio, Chuckie Jones, Ryan Jones, Matt Duffy, Joe Rapp, Jeremy Baltz, Dylan Unsworth, Chris Taylor, Marco Hernandez, and others who I can’t remember but do appreciate.