Yesterday WordPress put out a really cool recap of 2012 for my blog and for other MLB blogs but I wanted to go into a little more detail about the 9 Inning Know It All blog in 2012 and give everyone a look at what the hopes and plans are for 2013.
Top 10 Blog Posts from 2012 by total views
10. Best Promotions by Norm
Despite not being posted until late October this post has been a reader favorite. This is easily my favorite blog post written by Norm and is my 3rd favorite blog posts on the entire 9 Inning Know It All blog. The Awful Night still makes me laugh and wish that I was there for that promotion.
If you are an autographer you need to check out this blog post and tomorrows post because this is the game for you.
8. Dodger Blue (The Pain of Watching the Giants Win) by Mitch
When I asked Mitch to write this neither he nor I knew what would be the result. What came as a result was my 2nd favorite post on the blog and an instant classic. As a Dodger fan myself (2nd favorite team behind the M’s), and having a brother in law that is a diehard Dodger fan, I could totally relate to everything Mitch wrote.
The main focus of this blog is to promote baseball in the Northwest and the reason for that is because I love Northwest baseball. There is amazing baseball at all different levels for fans to enjoy.
(I am skipping 6 for a moment)

Standing L to R: Jackie Zink, Tony Martinelli, Josh Warstler, Greg Elliott, Christian Buono, Robert Fairbank, Johnny Franco, Daniel Hildreth, Cass Mulholland. One half standing middle right, Francisco Vega.
Kneeling: Mark Beers, Eddie Bello, Brian Goodrich, and yours truly, Drew Rountree.
5. San Francisco Giants Ground Crew Shout Out
Drew Rountree was the Head Groundkeeper for the Volcanoes in 2011 and I had the privilege of getting to know Drew. So when he got the job with the Giants in the fall of 2011 all of us who knew Drew were excited but nothing compared to the excitement I’m sure he felt when he got to be a part of the Giants World Series.
6. Beyond the Game with Josh Parr
4. Beyond the Game with Adam McConnell
3. Beyond the Game with Marc Gallegos
The Beyond the Game series has been my favorite series that I have ever done. Each of these three guys that I have interviewed for this has been amazing men. Each loves the game of baseball but also shares a faith that makes them more than just baseball players.
There are those players that when you meet them you just know that something is different about them. Mike Zunino is one of those guys and I am really excited to see him move up through the Mariners system.
If there was one post that I could point to and say that post put 9 Inning Know It All on the map it would be this one. Not only did this post get tweeted out by the San Francisco Giants but it also got posted on numerous fan sites for the Giants. It was also because of this post that I had my single highest day for visitors with over 1,500 visits in one day, and most of those coming in a 4 hour period.
What 2013 Has In Store
The team for 9 Inning Know It All is always looking for new ideas to help improve the blog. Norm and I have started the 9 Inning Baseball Talk Show on Blog Talk Radio which has been a lot of fun. If you haven’t listened to an episode yet you should check it out. Our Christmas special is still my favorite.
To help expand on the blog my brother in law Kelly has started writing for the blog and there is a real possibility of another writer coming on board as well.
Don’t forget to follow the 9 Inning Know It All on Facebook. You can also follow the different writers on twitter:
Josh @9innknowitall
Norm @Tezbaseball
Kelly @kellykoof15
Mitch @MitchellMaldo
I really have no idea where we will take the blog next but regardless of what direction this blog goes I can promise that it will always be a fun place for the diehard baseball fan along with the casual fan.
It doesn’t matter if its little league or major league if its baseball its good enough for us.
[…] 9 Inning Know It All Year In Review. […]