By Josh (9 Inning Know It All):
In July of 2011 I had the idea of taking the sport that I love the most and talk about it through a blog, so that I could let others see baseball the way I see it. I wrote about the Seattle Mariners, the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes and whatever else I wanted to that related to baseball. My first blog came out July 11th, 2011.

At first I had a few friends and family members that would go to the blog and check it out every once in a while. I only had a few visitors each day. That was perfectly fine with me because the blog was more of an opportunity for me to write about what I loved rather than being the most read baseball blog ever. In fact in my first six months of blogging I only had 850 total views. That averaged to less than 5 views a day.
One year later things began to change very quickly. In June of 2012 I began to see 50 to 100 people a day. Then on July 16th of 2012 I had my largest single day of views with 1532 views in one day. Nearly twice what I had in my first six months and only a hundred shy of my total views in my first 11 months put together. From July 2012 on I’ve averaged around 300 views a day and I am seeing steady progress each week and month.
I’ve had a lot of great baseball moments since I started the 9 Inning Know It All blog and I thought I would share some of those with you.
Favorite Blogs
Of the 90 blog posts I have done there are two blog series that I really have enjoyed the most. The first series that I wrote was the Under Appreciated Jobs in Baseball. The best part of this for me was getting a chance to show the casual fan that there is more to baseball than just the game that they see on the field. A lot of work goes into preparation for a professional baseball game. That is why I’m also excited that this off season there will be another similar series written by guest bloggers who actually perform some of those Under Appreciated Jobs.
The other series I’ve really enjoyed is the Beyond the Game Series. So far I’ve had the opportunity to interview Josh Parr, Adam McConnell and Marc Gallegos, but I am excited that already for this winter I am lining up a few more individuals to add to this list.
Favorite Moments
In June of this year I had one of my favorite moments of my entire life when I was given the opportunity to throw out the first pitch at a Salem-Keizer Volcanoes on Father’s day. It was my first Father’s day with my daughter Raelynn and although it wasn’t her first game ever it was still fun.
The second moment was my daughter’s first game which just happened to be the June 8th Seattle Mariner No-hitter against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Thank You
I’m not a professional baseball player, a scout, or even a journalist who writes about baseball for a living. I’m just a guy who has loved baseball since I was old enough to throw a ball. Sharing my memories and experiences with others has been exciting and I am looking forward to all of the future things I hope to do with this blog. I hope each of you has enjoyed this blog and continue to come back and read my future posts. If you do have any ideas of things I could write about please let me know. I’m always looking for new topics to write about.
Once again thank you for coming to my blog and I hope to keep this blog growing for years to come.
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