4th of July
By Josh I love the 4th of July. It is far and away my favorite holiday. The weather is usually nice, BBQs, baseball and fireworks are all things I love…
Ichiro vs Rose
By Josh: A lot of talk in the baseball world has been centered on the fact that Ichiro is about to surpass Pete Rose for all-time hits as a professional.…
Come On Coaches Put Players First
By Josh I’m sure we’ve all seen the article about the high school coach having one of his players throw 157 pitches in one game. I know you all have…
Memorial Day Recap
By Josh: I love going to baseball games. That isn’t a shocker to anyone. Every game I go to is a time that I cherish and enjoy, but there are…
Baseball Talk with Cody Atkinson
By Josh: At 9 Inning Know It All we have two real goals. One is to maybe catch someones attention and get a job in baseball. Let’s be honest that…
What’s Good For Baseball
By William Robinson: I like to talk about what’s good for baseball all the time. The funny thing about that is that there are so many different opinions about this…
Baseball Talk with Chase Teter
In all my years of being around baseball I’ve realized that my favorite type of player is the one who just quietly goes about his business and lets his play…
Baseball Talk with Connor Anderson
Coaches always talk up the players on their teams when asked about them. Last night Kyle Krustangel, head coach of Yakima Valley Community College, talked very highly of one of…
Baseball Talk with Garrett Myers
With the NWAC Baseball Championships beginning Thursday I had the opportunity to talk with a few players getting ready for the tourney. First up was Garrett Myers, an outfielder for…
Every Baseball Game Is Great
By Josh: I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my time as a player, coach, fan and soon to be coach again. I’ve been thinking about all the times I…